Power Play
a 1-day workshop with Saara Rei
“Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power.”
- William Gaddis
To feel powerful is to feel as if you have the ability to do something or act in a particular way. Power is a feeling, it is a “self-contained phenomenal experience” (APA Dictionary of Psychology). In a way, power is an internal illusion, a projection of your own capacity, as well as the capacity of others. And yet, as we all have our own perceptions of power, of our own power, and of the power of others, that we all project onto those around us, it indeed affects that way in which we behave towards others. We gesture our perception of power: the court stands for the judge, all do not eat until the head of the table eats, and the beggar on the street is not even graced with your eye contact. How we sit, how we stand, the tone of our voice, and the placement of our eyes all serves as indications of our perceptions of power. And there is a resolution of these gestures in a group, and hierarchies are formed, consciously or not.
In this workshop, we will explore what it means to give and take power, and to receive as well as have power thrusted upon us. We will reflect on what aspects of power can be erotics for us, and explore frameworks for playing with the power we desire with hands-on exercises. We will discuss what it means to define a framework for playing with power, and common practices for managing play, in particular when it is longterm.
If you are interested in booking this workshop in a part of the world near you, then please send an email.